4 Major Impacts Of Technology In The Healthcare Industry


There is no doubt that technological developments in the healthcare industry have saved the lives of countless patients, facilitated treatment, and improved the quality of healthcare services. Telemedicine solutions and telehealth solutions have proven to be milestones in the healthcare industry. Healthcare services have become very convenient for patients with the help of these solutions.

Telehealth solutions have proven to be very beneficial not only for patients but also for healthcare professionals, having a massive impact on the practice of healthcare professionals.

In this article, we will mention 4 major impacts of technology on the healthcare industry.

Digitalization of Health Records

Electronic health records have been a game changer in the medical sector by replacing outdated paper records. With technology implementation, nurses have evolved from medical assistants to medical coding professionals, technology has made their work a handful. Nurses and technicians are responsible for updating the patient's medical history and other data in the central and digitized system. Medical billers and coders update patient appointments and records with diagnostic codes and submit them to insurance companies for medical claims.

With the help of this technology, patients and doctors can access medical records with one click and catch any mistake quickly. 

Digitalization of Health Records


EHRs automatically alert the physician to a potential issue to treat the patient. For example, if the patient is suffering from any allergy or intolerance to any medicine. EHR will access any nearby medical facility, which is very useful for doctors.

Improved communication

With the emergence of technology in the healthcare sector, communication in healthcare organizations has greatly improved. Medical professionals have leveraged new technologies such as audio, video conferencing, AR, VR, and real-time meeting capacity, and made medical services more accessible. With the help of telehealth solutions, communication has gone beyond geographic borders.

Health apps: 

Many healthcare apps have been developed through advanced technology in the healthcare industry, and millions of people are benefiting from these apps. People get quick health information very easily through these apps. With the help of these apps, patients can take their appointments at home, receive reminders, and even test gay results can also be requested at home on their smartphones. Many health apps give customers healthy diets, water drinking timing, and exercise timing alerts. Medical professionals and practitioners can collect a lot of health information. Some prominent healthcare apps like E psychiatry, Nutrimedy, Talk to media, etc. 

Health apps:


To sum up It can be said that technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry. Every healthcare organization is integrating telemedicine solutions and telehealth solutions with its legacy systems to make its services more effective. These impacts of technology will further increase its development, which will improve people's health.


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